1 April 2019 – Third transnational meeting in Ghent
On Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd of April 2019, our third transnational meeting was held. This meeting took place in Ghent, Belgium. This meeting was used as a mid-term review of the project results.
For more information send an email to:
Nadine Nonnekes
Policy Officer, University Medical Center Utrecht
Mentoring session during Summer School
Colby Benari (University College London) has given a master class during the ‘Translational Medicine Summer School’ on mentoring for the EUREKA Alumni.
Translational Medicine: Doing the Right Research Right
This Summer School tackles the intrinsic difficulties of effective translational medicine in rare and orphan diseases and is meant for early stage researchers with an interest in this field. With this Summer School course you will not only obtain insight to how science really works, but more importantly, you will acquire knowledge on how to be a successful translational researcher yourself. This course is specifically not about learning how to ‘play the game’, but about understanding that there is a game going on, what the rules of the game are, and to be able to transcend it.
More information
Translational Meeting London
On Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th of June 2018, we held our second translational Pathway meeting. This meeting took place at the Cumberland Lodge venue, Windsor, United Kingdom.
During this meeting we discussed the content of our project. We created consensus on the description of a clinician-scientist, had an interesting focus group on EPA’s, brainstormed on how to implement the online course (output 8), an Educhallenge (output 9) and a mentorship programme (output 7), and how to make these three outputs sustainable after the lifetime of our project.
It was a fruitful and constructive meeting, in which we had further set the directions of our project. We hope to publish our first deliverable, a mentorship programme template, within a few months.
Kickoff Meeting
This pictures is taken during our fruitful Kick-off meeting. From left to right: Farah Kools (UMC Utrecht) Johan van de Walle (Universiteit Gent), Colby Benari (University College London), Jildou Ponjee (Nuffic), Geraint Rees (University College London), Belinda van’t Land (Nutricia Research BV.), Maggy Ovaa (UMC Utrecht), Berent Prakken (UMC Utrecht and coordinator PATHWAY project), Sietske Zagers (Elevate Health), José Peinado (Universidad de Grenada), Margot Weggemans (UMC Utrecht), Annet van Royen (UMC Utrecht), Diana Goederaad (Nuffic), Saksia Overbeek (Nutricia Research BV.), Nadine Nonnekes (UMC Utrecht) and Dirk Elewaut (Universiteit Gent).