Olle ten Cate (Professor) attended medical school at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Netherlands, and subsequently spent his professional life serving medical education. In 1986 he completed a PhD dissertation in medical education. Until 1999, he was closely involved with all of the UvA’s major preclinical and clinical curriculum reforms, education research, program evaluation and educational development. In 1999, he was appointed professor of Medical Education at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. From 2005 to 2017, he was the director of the Center for Research and Development of Education at UMC Utrecht. His research interests include curriculum development, peer teaching, competency-based medical education, and many other topics in health professions education. From 2006 until 2012, he served as president of the Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO). In 2012, he was appointed adjunct professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, next to his work in Utrecht, to co-lead a collaborative doctoral program in health professions education. He published extensively in the medical education, supervises many doctoral students and receives many international invitations to speak. He received the NBME’s John P. Hubbard Award in the USA for his work related to assessment, the NVMO Han Moll Penning and the first biennial international Ian R. Hart Award for innovation in medical education.

Olle ten Cate (Professor)
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