Current translational medicine fails to sufficiently bridge the gap between bench and bedside. This results in a tremendous waste in research investments and numerous biomedical innovations that never reach the bedside. There is broad consensus that clinician-scientists (doctors/surgeons with a full scientific training) hold the key to bridge this gap.
However, the number of clinician-scientists is declining due to the failure to retain them in the academic and industrial workforce. In order to bridge the gap between bench and bedside, we started the PATHWAY project. We will conduct research to further improve training and career pathways for clinician-scientists and invest in educating this next generation.
Pathway is an EU project, with the following objectives:
- Creating efficient, sustainable and attractive career pathways for clinician-scientists, in order to support and retain them as key players in the advancement of translational medicine.
- Innovating clinician-scientist extracurricular education to provide them with tools to successfully combine both clinical and research tasks, including the development and implementation of a mentorship programme.
- Generating impact by raising awareness amongst all stakeholders throughout Europe (including policy makers and regulators) of the added value of clinician-scientists in bridging the gap between bench and bedside.
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